Kinect Brawl – a gesture-controlled arcade game

This project is an arcade game that is controlled via gesture control tracked by an XBOX Kinect and the inclusion of Simple OpenNI. The control incorporates the player’s hand movement which they use to destroy appearing objects at different levels of difficulty in order to reach a high score. The game was coded in the object-orientated programming language Processing.

game concept:
Starting the game, the player has to be initialized on the instruction screen. After the user is recognized a countdown starts which signalizes the player that the game is about to begin in a few seconds. After the countdown elapses the game starts.

The player has 60 seconds for destroying as many objects as possible in order to reach the high score. The objects have different values for size, score and health (number of hits needed to destroy the object). The time interval differs depending on the level of difficulty the player is in.

With the increasing score also the level of difficulty rises to challenge the players. After the 60 seconds run out a game over screen is displayed showing the score the player has reached. This score is compared with the current high score and sets the new high score in case it is higher. If the players wish to restart the game, they can use the button at the lower right corner of the screen. The countdown starts again and a new game begins.

This work was part of the Exhibition "Freiraum" – Osnabrück (GER), 04-02-2015


In Collaboration with Carlos Niermeier, 2015